Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin

  The trademark attorney Filippova Irina A. (reg.# 662) can assist clients:

  • to evaluate availability for registration of your trademark;

  • to carry out preliminary search for identity and similarity;

  • to file trademark application with the Russian Patent and Trademark Office;

  • to prosecute application at all stages of trademark examination;

  • to renew trademark.

  •   In most cases the trademark can be legally protected in the Russian Federation in virtue of its official registration.

      A trademark may be registered in the name of a legal entity or a natural person officially recorded as an "individual businessman".

      A trademark application should be submitted to the Russian Federal Agency for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks (Russian Patent Office).

    Documents which are necessary for filing a new case with the Russian PTO:

    1. Name and address of an applicant;

    2. List of goods or service in accordance with the Nice Classification of Goods and Services;

    3. 10 typographic prints or photographs of the device/combined mark (8 x 8 cm. or 8 x 10 cm. in size);

    4. Power of Attorney*.

    * Power of Attorney shall be issued by the Applicant and signed by an authorized person indicating his name and position in the company. The date and place of the signature shall be indicated as well. No notarization or legalization is required.

      To avoid any collision with prior registered trademarks or pending applications , it is recommended to carry out preliminary trademark search . Full availability trademark search is carried out at the Patent Office.

      A trademark may be registered if it complies with the Absolute and Relative Grounds provided by the Russian Federal Act “On Trademarks, Service Marks and Apellations of Origin ", i.e. a trademark may not refer to the type, quality, quantity and characteristics of the products or services, be a specific term in the area the trademark is claimed for , consist of consonants only, infringe copyright owned by third parties , be confusingly similar to the prior registered trademarks or pending applications filed for similar goods/services , etc.).

      There is no fixed period during which a trademark examination is to be performed by the federal executive authority for intellectual property, but an average term is about a year after the submission of the application.
